Time: 8:00 am New York time
Women have long been underrepresented in surgery, and the profession has often been seen as unwelcoming to women, especially in cardiothoracic surgery. Women represent only 6% of cardiothoracic surgeons in the United States, and this disparity is true in most countries around the world. This episode benefits from the experience of an accomplished and diverse panel of women in cardiothoracic surgery. They represent a heterogeneous background of training and practice environments, and identify the challenges and barriers impacting gender equity in surgery, as well as the steps we can all take to make cardiothoracic surgery a more inclusive career. The benefit of recruiting and promoting women in surgery is the intelligence, skill, perspective, and dedication that they bring to advance our specialty and to enhance the care of patients with cardiothoracic disease.
On October 26 at 8am EST, AIS Channel will be broadcasting live this high-level online congress hosted by the leading experts in their fields.
Further Information: info@aischannel.com

Dr. Leah Backhus (USA)
Dr. Lauren C. Kane (USA)
Dr. Cecilia Pompili (UK)
Dr. Susan Vosloo (South Africa)
Dr. Aki K Kobayashi (Japan)
Dr. Paula Ugalde (Brazil)
Dr. Gunda Leschber (Germany)
Moderator: Dr Douglas Wood (USA)
This event is awaiting approval for CME