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Stop smoking

There is no doubt that stop smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health regardless whether you are facing a pulmonary surgery or not.

There are multiple benefits of stopping smoking, that are evident much faster than probably you thought.

These benefits overcome the discussion about whether smoking increases the probability of postoperative complications or not. In some countries, patients are not offered the possibility of surgery if the do not stop smoking in advance. There are no differences between smoking cigarrets, cigars, bidi, shisa or chewing tobacco.

There is a lot of information on stopping smoking on the internet. 

Please, read more information about the changes produced by tobacco use in the lungs

And the benefits of stopping smoking

 If you are an e-Cigarette smoker, please refer to for more information about e-Cigarettes

If you decided to stop smoking, ask for help at your doctor. He will explain the available possibilities in your environment.

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