ESTS Women in General Thoracic Surgery

The next meeting of the Women in Thoracic Surgery Committee will be held at ESTS 2025 in Budapest, 25-27 May 2025
Disclosure Statements 2024/2025
The ESTS Women in General Thoracic Surgery Committee is a joint effort from female leaders across different countries and cultures to dedicate, encourage, enable and inspire women to fulfil their surgical career ambitions.
Being a European Organisation, we are aware that the experiences in developing a thoracic surgical career may be completely different and difficult to compare. For this reason, we aim to bring together various role models at different stages of their careers to act as an example for all of the membership. We would also like to formally develop mentorship programmes and networking amongst peers.
Click here to view the WGTS Committee and our supporters
What we specifically aim is:
- Advocate increased diversity in general thoracic surgery across Europe.
- Work towards an understanding of the issues facing women in general thoracic surgery in the context of different cultural backgrounds.
- Provide advice, guidance, and pastoral support for those women already in this surgical field and those considering entering it.
- Create a social-media based networking platform to encourage female colleagues to seek mutual support and exchange opinions with peers and senior colleagues.
- Collaborate with other similar international organizations in order to enhance educational opportunities for female thoracic surgeons.
- Introduce sponsored mentorship programmes and scholarships in Institutions where women have led their way.
We would like to make ESTS an important networking and mentoring hub for European female colleagues who may be more encouraged by examples and initiatives of this society.
We would like to open this Committee to all of the membership and seek an active participation from ESTS members. If you want to be involved as a Mentor or participate in the initiatives falling within the WGTS remit, please email: or
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Please find below a list of resources related to Women in General Thoracic Surgery.
View Resources
Clinical research fellowship opportunity: Apply by Monday 16 December 2024
The ESTS Women in General Thoracic Surgery Committee, supported by Astra-Zeneca, is launching a call for a clinical research fellowship opportunity for a woman surgeon.
The candidate will develop a research project based on the ESTS Database on lung cancer (preferably on gender or diversity topics), guided by a mentor in a chosen ESTS accredited institution. The candidate will be involved in the lung cancer care program of this institution as a clinical fellow for 6 months, and will be supported by a €15,000 Grant.
Click here for further information and to apply

Women in General Thoracic Surgery Committee (WGTS) Academy
ESTS/Women in General Thoracic Surgery Committee (WGTS) agreed on the proposal of an ESTS WGTS Academy to offer a great opportunity to further develop and integrate the education of female thoracic surgeons.
Explore WGTS Academy
Networking Events
Milan 2023, Villa Necchi

View Roster