Home News & Announcements Call for Applications: Robotic Discovery Course - Amsterdam Skills Centre Call for Applications: Robotic Discovery Course - Amsterdam Skills Centre Applications deadline: Sunday 16th February Robotic Discovery Course - Amsterdam Skills Centre, 5-6 March 2025 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS BY SUNDAY 16 FEBRUARY The ESTS Robotic Working Group is pleased to announce an ESTS Discovery course being held 5-6th March 2025 at the Amsterdam Skill Center. Day 1, over 2 hours, will commence with meeting the faculty, an introduction session for all delegates, and some lectures on the clinical value of Da Vinci surgery presented by experienced Da Vinci surgeons. Then you’ll share all together a peer to peer diner. The 2nd day will consist of a full day of hands-on workshops under the supervision of a dedicated proctor. Please see the Meeting Program Support The course will support members with the educational course content, up to two nights’ hotel and reasonable travel costs. Attendees at the Discovery course will have a chance to progress to the Advanced course in Ircad, France, 20th November 2025. To be eligible to apply for a place on this course: Participants must be ESTS members living in Europe. Participants have a Da Vinci surgical system in their hospital and are interested in RATS. Single surgeon experience in thoracoscopic procedures (performed at least 100 thoracoscopic procedures) Completion of the online training and online assessment of the module Essential multiport system fundamentals and da Vinci technical skills Xi is mandatory (no need to compete the in-service): https://learning.intuitive.com/program-details?programId=305 Simulator training recommended before the course if possible. Please send your application by Sunday 16th February to Maya Aleksandrova at maleksandrova@kenes.com Please specify that you meet the criteria and send supporting documents, including C.V. Applicants will be informed by 23rd February. This course is kindly supported by a grant from Intuitive View other News Articles