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ESTS Board of Directors

Disclosure Statements for Board of Directors 2023/2024

Committee for Learning Affairs and Program Committee:
Saturday 21 September 2024
Board of Directors:  Sunday 22 September 2024: 09:00 - 13:00 hours CET
Venue:  Amsterdam airport

Tuesday 17 December 2024:  19:00 - 21:00 hours CET, Webex

Sunday 9 February 2025:  Board of Directors, Budapest
Friday 7 February and Saturday 8 February: Program Committee, Budapest
Tuesday 8 April 2025:  19:00 - 21:00 hours CET, Webex






Committee Roster

Member Office Term of Office
Nuria Novoa President 2024-2025
Pierre Emmanuel Falcoz President-Elect 2024-2025
Hasan Fevzi Batirel Secretary General 2021-2025
Servet Bolukbas Treasurer 2023-2026
Jozsef Furak Past President 2024-2025
Isabelle Opitz Past Past President 2024-2025
Alessandro Bertani Director 2023-2025
David Healy Director 2021-2025
Rene Horsleben Petersen Director 2021-2025
Hermien Schreurs Director 2021-2025
Brendon Stiles Director 2023-2025
Zalan Szanto Director 2021-2025
Katrin Welcker Director 2022-2026
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